Tag Archives: writing

Finding inspiration

10 Nov

I first decided to start writing a blog when I turned 30 this year. Being such a milestone for me and such, I figured it was the right moment to show myself to the world and share my inner thoughts. But what to write about???? There are thousands blogs out there, about ANY topic so how would my blog be any different? Finally I decided to put in the mix a few topics I really enjoy at the moment, like fashion, lifestyle, brands and business, as well as photography and culture. Hopefully it will be a nice mix that people will enjoy reading, although, who knows… maybe in time I will figure out the exact line I want to follow.

For now, thank you to those reading and liking my posts!! I would love to know what you would like to read about 🙂

The Catcher in the Rye

5 Nov

Oh, wow! When I bought this J.D. Salinger book I thought it was going to be such a cool book and that I was going to be such a cool person just by reading it… Sorry to say to those who have read it and found it interesting, that I am literally fighting each page of it!! I will not give up until the end, ’cause it’s just something that I don’t do (give up, that is), but let me tell you… what an annoying way of writing!

By the way, I have googled the book and searched for different cover designs and guess what! Nothing too interesting either, but what I did find was this cute “Catcher in the Rye” sweatshirt 🙂 LOL since sweatshirts are so hot right not, who knows, maybe this one gets to be on trend soon!

